Benefits of Sugar vs Salt Scrubs: Which One is Right for Your Skin?

Benefits of Sugar vs Salt Scrubs: Which One is Right for Your Skin?

Body scrubs are often considered non-essential indulgences, but adding a body scrub to your shower routine can lead to softer and smoother skin (goodbye strawberry legs!). Among the plethora of exfoliants, sugar and salt scrubs...
Why You Shouldn't Skip Exfoliating During Winter

Why You Shouldn't Skip Exfoliating During Winter

As the winter chill creeps in, most of us tweak our skincare routines to cope with the changing weather. While cozying up in layers and sipping hot cocoa feels great, it's important not to sideline your...
What Does Fragrance-free Mean in Skincare?

What Does Fragrance-free Mean in Skincare?

When it comes to skincare, we often encounter terms like "fragrance-free" or "unscented" on product labels. While these terms may seem straightforward, they are often misunderstood! In this blog post, we will delve into what...
Debunking Myths about Antibacterial Soaps

Debunking Myths about Antibacterial Soaps

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, hand hygiene has taken center stage in our daily routines. We have diligently sought out products that claim to kill germs and keep us safe, with antibacterial soaps...
Are You Using True Soap or Detergent “Soap”?

Are You Using True Soap or Detergent “Soap”?

When it comes to cleaning our bodies, we often reach for a product labelled as "soap". However, not all soaps are created equal. In fact, many products we see at our grocery stores labelled as...
Old television sitting on a patch of grass

3 Must-See Conscious Documentaries on Netflix

The state of our planet is becoming increasingly dire with floods and droughts intensifying globally and summers are getting longer and hotter.  It can be difficult to fully understand the impact of human-caused climate change on our planet while...
A chair, bedside table, mirror and plant in an empty room with warm light shining in

10 Easy Eco-Friendly Swaps For Your Home

Living a sustainable lifestyle doesn't have to be difficult. There are small changes you can make at home that have a big impact on the environment. From reducing your carbon footprint to conserving water and...
A cup of tea and book on bed

3 Natural Remedies for Better Sleep

Better sleep makes us happier and healthier. We know that and we all wish we had more of it. But yet it can be elusive sometimes. The next time you find yourself tossing and turning...